- Flexlm lmtools how to#
- Flexlm lmtools mac os x#
- Flexlm lmtools mac os#
- Flexlm lmtools software license#
- Flexlm lmtools install#
Home license files allow you to use your software on one computer at home without using a license. Disconnected licenses allow you to use NI software with computers that cannot always access the license server. Overdraft licenses enable you to use more named-user or computer-based licenses than your agreement allows. If you use FlexNet Publisher instead of using Volume License Manager (VLM), there are certain features of VLM that will not be available to you, including overdraft, disconnected and home licenses. This short document will guide you step-by-step through the setup and configuration of FlexNet Publisher.
NI supports FlexNet Publisher implementations with FlexNet Publisher compliant license files, but NI does not design or sell FlexNet Publisher.
Flexlm lmtools software license#
Solution 1078.Flexera Software's FlexNet Publisher, formerly known as FLEXlm, is a software license management system that enables organizations to centrally track and manage their licenses within departments and across the organization. (Could not obtain license for COMSOL Multiphysics GUI). For instruction on how the boot scripts should be set up, please see the COMSOL Multiphysics Installation and Operations Guide.
Flexlm lmtools how to#
For information on how to fix this issue, please see solution 1199įinally, modify the boot script that starts the COMSOL License Manager automatically at boot. lmgrd: Command not found., the license server is missing required libraries for LSB (Linux Standard Base). Note: If running the lmgrd command returns the error message. Start the COMSOL 5.6 License Manager with the lmgrd command: Stop the 5.5 license manager with the lmdown command:
Flexlm lmtools mac os#
Stop the COMSOL license manager: Make the comsol56/multiphysics/license/$arch directory the current directory, where $arch is either glnxa64 (64-bit Linux), or maci64 (64-bit Mac OS X). Alternatively, download the license manager binaries using the links at the bottom of this page.
Flexlm lmtools mac os x#
Please see the section License Manager Installation on Linux or License Manager Installation on Mac OS X in the COMSOL Multiphysics Installation Guide for instructions.
Flexlm lmtools install#
Please see the section License Manager Installation on Windows in the COMSOL Multiphysics Installation Guide for instructions.
To avoid this you can ask users to save their work before transitioning to the new license manager. Please note that while updating the license manager, users may lose contact to it. This means that existing installations of COMSOL 5.5 and earlier will continue to function as normal after the license manager has been updated to version 5.6. Note: the COMSOL 5.6 license manager binaries and license files are backward compatible with COMSOL installations back to version 3.5a. Step-by-step instructions can be found below. The solution is to update the on-site COMSOL License Manager software from COMSOL version 5.5 to version 5.6.